Sunday, September 30, 2007

Tropical Storm Karen

For the first time in my memory, I was a tropical storm this week. I don't think I amounted to much, which when it comes to storms is probably a good thing. Probably not very fun to have the name Katrina in the gulf region.

Logged another 20 running yesterday. Had to walk a little bit at the end. I parked at mile 3 on the Mt. Vernon Parkway, ran to King Street in Old Town Alexandria and then back to Mt. Vernon, then back the 3 miles to the car. Having run the 10 Miler on the GW during the spring, I assumed the trail would be equally flat. I was quite wrong. There are relatively level areas, but there are some challenging inclines, especially the last mile or 2 back to Mt. Vernon. I don't think it helped that I forgot to take Aleve prior to running.

I'm not sure if I'll get another 20+ in before the marathon. Next Sunday is the Army 10 miler. I'm looking forward to a nice, short run :)

1 comment:

The Hutsells said...

Nice, short run? 10 miles is nice and short? Good heavens, I'm out of shape. I don't know if I could ride my bike that long!
When I saw TS Karen out there in the Atlantic I thought, 'Man, I hope that doesn't turn into anything bad.' I wonder how many Katrinas have changed their names since that storm.