Wow. That was a hard 10 miles. I thought that it was going to be a very easy, flat run. At 8 a.m. (I finally crossed the start line at 8:20), the temp was 70 degrees, 96% humidity, not a cloud in the sky - not the greatest running conditions. On top of that, I've had a cold for a few days and typically would not run with a sore throat, stuffy nose, etc. However, I am pleased that I was able to run the entire way. It was good training in the sense that if there are similar conditions on marathon day, I know that I'm not running :)
Beautiful race though. Pretty cool to run by the Capitol, especially because that was one of the few shaded areas. There was someone repelling off the dome, presumably doing the windows. It's also a very crowded race so I've learned that to run a better time, I have to register at a better time to get in a faster pace group. My time was 1:42 which was slower than I had wanted but, considering the conditions, I won't be too hard on myself.